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The Family of Schools

The Trust was built upon the foundation of a mutual set of guiding principles ranging from inclusion, safeguarding and staff well-being to ultimately serving our communities and ensuring our children achieve the very best outcomes regardless of their relative abilities or socio-economic backgrounds (not just in the basic 3R’s). Collaborative working is key to the success of the trust, but we also promote autonomy when schools successfully operate by our guiding principles. We are not an exclusive set of schools and when appropriate. we encourage them to work with other schools outside the trust. This approach has ensured community success and greater experiences for our children and young people.

Our family of schools now educates 2,400 pupils and works with 350 staff. We also work with outside agencies such as Warrington Local Authority. Greater numbers will ultimately increase responsibility and accountability, but it will also offer greater opportunities for all. As we grow our trust must ensure that we enrich the experiences for children, young people and adults.

For more information, please click on each box below.

Brook Acre Community Primary School
Croft Primary Edit
Culcheth Community Primary School
Gorse Covert Primary Edit
Locking Stumps Primary
Oakwood Avenue Edit
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